forever stuck in 2009...
a digital angel

I'm a 22 year old living in Australia who speaks English and German. A maid (well, glorified chore-doer) during the day and writing "code" at night, I focus on shaders, modding tools, and reverse-engineered game servers. I enjoy cosplaying, collecting dolls, and watching cartoons in my free time.

stuff i like
irl: makeup, fashion, cosplay, dolls, figures, plushies, baking, thrifting
games: coffin of andy and leyley, monster prom, a hat in time, sims
4, animal crossing, class of 09, pokemon, shantea, minecraft, nikke, old
flash games
cartoons: my little pony, adventure time, powerpuff girls, steven
universe, avatar the last airbender / legend of korra, ben 10, as told by
ginger, gravity falls, star vs. the forces of evil, teen titans
anime: gushing over magical girls, little witch academia, candy boy,
yuru camp, umaru-chan, heavens lost property, panty and stocking
movies: equestria girls, clueless, mean girls, legally blonde, as
above so below, blair witch, wax museumm, the ring, minions, tangled, supernatural
(the show), rom coms, true crimes
musics: ayesha erotica, juju, lady gaga, kesha, britney spears, elle
goulding, sleeping with sirens, pierce the veil, jack off jill, mitski, vocaloid, nightcore, eurobeat
characters i literally am
yes i made all of these, if you use them credit me pls @_@